Monday, November 17, 2014

PSA for Hunger

So many advertisements and public service announcements are done in black and white and a photo of someone doing nothing specific. Here it is Kevin Bacon who is just staring into the camera. But they take the photo and convert it to black and white and bring in strong information white a bright  color. I really like how the advertisement is laid out. I love the strong orange color and the logo on the bottom right. There is still a lot of room for the photo to breath but the text is still big enough to be in the viewers face.

Meth Advertisement

This is nasty but it really grabs your attention. People are not used to seeing someones teeth like this on an advertisement. They are used to the bright white and smiles. This works really well because it is very scary and capturing and really draws your awareness to the effects of meth. The bold white font works well because it is very easy to read. They provided the logo and added a little more information to the top right to complete the advertisement.

Graphic Design Company

LOVE this idea. I definitely want to take an idea like this and use it for my graphic design company . It is very creative and the colors works wonderfully. I love how the light is hitting the model and having such little text makes the image even more strong that it would be originally. The grays are very nice and I love how there are so many different grays being used in this image. It is very creative and it could be used so well for a company's photo

Basic Training advertisement

Perfect ad for a design company. It is a very clean shots and the colors really pop. The photography does a wonderful job following the rules of thirds. I love how mostly all you see is the image but then you are drawn to the text around the image. It really explains what the photo is for. I really like the colors and having a good advertisement for the graphics company is very important in branding who they are.

Graphic Design Advertisement

This is a very interesting Graphic design advertisement. It works well because it really enforces how your creativity and imagination is really important to be used in creating Graphic Design. I really enjoy the image and its interesting how it is all aligned in the center. It works well for this because there is so much negative space that I think it works fine being in the center.